Code a cool railroad system in Minecraft to take players on a treasure hunt adventure!
Students leverage technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving and demonstrating competency in their learning goals, informed by the learning sciences.
1.1a Learning Goals: Students articulate and set personal learning goals, develop strategies leveraging technology to achieve them and reflect on the learning process itself to improve learning outcomes.
1.1b Customized Learning Environments: Students build networks and customize their learning environments in ways that support the learning process.
1.1c Feedback to Improve Practice: Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.
1.1d Technology Operations: Students understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations; demonstrate the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current technologies; and are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging technologies.
Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their goals.
1.6.a Choose Platforms or Tools: Students choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of their creation or communication.
1.6.b Original and Remixed Works: Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.
1.6.c Models and Visualizations: Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations.
1.6.d Customize the Message: Students publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their intended audiences.
Students develop and employ strategies for understanding and solving problems in ways that leverage the power of technological methods to develop and test solutions.
1.5.a Problem Definitions: Students formulate problem definitions suited for technology-assisted methods such as data analysis, abstract models and algorithmic thinking in exploring and finding solutions.
1.5.b Data Sets: Students collect data or identify relevant data sets, use digital tools to analyze them and represent data in various ways to facilitate problem-solving and decision-making.
1.5.c Decompose Problems: Students break problems into component parts, extract key information and develop descriptive models to understand complex systems or facilitate problem-solving.
1.5.d Algorithmic Thinking: Students understand how automation works and use algorithmic thinking to develop a sequence of steps to create and test automated solutions.
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